A brief introduction to R

see also: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Baggott-refcard-v2.pdf

Assignment operator “<-”

x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x <- c(1:7)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x <- 1:7
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

R as calculator

5 + (6 + 7) * pi^2
## [1] 133.3
## [1] 1
log(1000, 10)
## [1] 3
sin(pi/3)^2 + cos(pi/3)^2
## [1] 1

## [1] 5
## [1] 1.414
seq(0, 5, length = 6)
## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5
2^seq(0, 5, length = 6)
## [1]  1  2  4  8 16 32

Basic data types


x <- T
y <- F
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE

logical operators

x & y
## [1] FALSE
x | y
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
c(T, F, T, F) && c(T, T, F, F)
## [1] TRUE
c(T, F, T, F) || c(T, T, F, F)
## [1] TRUE

c(T, F, T, F) | c(T, T, F, F)
c(T, F, T, F) & c(T, T, F, F)


a <- 5
b <- sqrt(2)
## [1] 5
## [1] 1.414

a == 5
## [1] TRUE
a < 5
## [1] FALSE
a <= 5
## [1] TRUE


a <- "1"
b <- 1
## [1] "1"
## [1] 1

a <- "character"
b <- "a"
c <- a

## [1] "character"
## [1] "a"
## [1] "character"

##  [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q"
## [18] "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"
a %in% letters
## [1] FALSE
"a" %in% letters
## [1] TRUE


fac <- c("small", "small", "medium", "tall", "huge", "huge", "small", "tiny")
## [1] "small"  "small"  "medium" "tall"   "huge"   "huge"   "small"  "tiny"
fac <- as.factor(fac)
levels <- c("small", "medium", "huge")
ordFac <- factor(sample(levels, 10, replace = T), levels = levels, ordered = T)
##  [1] small  medium huge   small  medium medium small  small  small  medium
## Levels: small < medium < huge


x <- c(5.2, 1.7, 6.3)
## [1] 1.6487 0.5306 1.8405
y <- 1:5
z <- seq(from = 1, to = 1.4, by = 0.1)
y + z
## [1] 2.0 3.1 4.2 5.3 6.4

## [1] 5
mean(y + z)
## [1] 4.2


m <- matrix(1:12, 4, byrow = T)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
## [4,]   10   11   12
y <- -1:2
m.new <- m + y
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    1    2
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    8    9   10
## [4,]   12   13   14
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]    0    4    8   12
## [2,]    1    5    9   13
## [3,]    2    6   10   14
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    1    2
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    8    9   10
## [4,]   12   13   14

##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    1    1
## [2,]    1    1    1
## [3,]    1    1    1
## [4,]    1    1    1

## [1] 4 3
## [1] 3 4

missing values

x <- c(1, 2, 3, NA)
x + 3
## [1]  4  5  6 NA

“NaN”, +/- Inf

log(c(0, 1, 2))
## [1]   -Inf 0.0000 0.6931
## [1] NaN


x <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h")
x <- letters[1:8]
## [1] "a"
## [1] "c" "d" "e"
## [1] "a" "b" "f" "g" "h"
x[c(T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F)]
## [1] "a" "c" "e" "g"
x[x <= "d"]
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
m[, 2]
## [1]  2  5  8 11
m[3, ]
## [1] 7 8 9

Lists are very flexible

Empl <- list(employee = "Anna", husband = "Fred", children = 3, child.ages = c(4, 
    7, 9))
## List of 4
##  $ employee  : chr "Anna"
##  $ husband   : chr "Fred"
##  $ children  : num 3
##  $ child.ages: num [1:3] 4 7 9
## [1] 4 7 9
## [1] 4 7 9
Empl[4]  #' a sublist consisting of the 4th component of Empl
## $child.ages
## [1] 4 7 9
names(Empl) <- letters[1:4]
Empl <- c(Empl, service = 8)
unlist(Empl)  #' converts it to a vector. Mixed types will be converted to character, giving a character vector.
##       a       b       c      d1      d2      d3 service 
##  "Anna"  "Fred"     "3"     "4"     "7"     "9"     "8"

with matrices

x.mat <- matrix(c(3, -1, 2, 2, 0, 3), ncol = 2)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    3    2
## [2,]   -1    0
## [3,]    2    3
dimnames(x.mat) <- list(c("L1", "L2", "L3"), c("R1", "R2"))
##    R1 R2
## L1  3  2
## L2 -1  0
## L3  2  3


cw <- chickwts
## starting httpd help server ...
## done

Let's look at it:

## 'data.frame':    71 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ weight: num  179 160 136 227 217 168 108 124 143 140 ...
##  $ feed  : Factor w/ 6 levels "casein","horsebean",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##      weight           feed   
##  Min.   :108   casein   :12  
##  1st Qu.:204   horsebean:10  
##  Median :258   linseed  :12  
##  Mean   :261   meatmeal :11  
##  3rd Qu.:324   soybean  :14  
##  Max.   :423   sunflower:12
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     108     204     258     261     324     423
cw[3, 2]
## [1] horsebean
## Levels: casein horsebean linseed meatmeal soybean sunflower

Labels in data frames

## [[1]]
##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14"
## [15] "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28"
## [29] "29" "30" "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42"
## [43] "43" "44" "45" "46" "47" "48" "49" "50" "51" "52" "53" "54" "55" "56"
## [57] "57" "58" "59" "60" "61" "62" "63" "64" "65" "66" "67" "68" "69" "70"
## [71] "71"
## [[2]]
## [1] "weight" "feed"

you can edit the data using fix:


but this is not a good idea! better edit manually:

x <- which(cw$weight == 136)
cw[x, "weight"] <- 140

plots in R:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

boxplot(weight ~ feed, cw)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

plot(sin(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100)))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

plot(sin(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100)), type = "l")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21


par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  #' set up multiple plots
simdata <- rchisq(100, 8)
hist(simdata)  #' default number of bins
hist(simdata, breaks = 2)  #' etc,4,20

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22


par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
z1 <- rnorm(50)
z2 <- rnorm(50)
rho <- 0.75  #' (or any number between -1 and 1)
x2 <- rho * z1 + sqrt(1 - rho^2) * z2
plot(z1, x2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

Control structures and functions

Grouped expressions in R

x = 1:9
if (length(x) <= 10) {
    x <- c(x, 10:20)
} else {
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Loops in R

for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    x[i] <- rnorm(1)
##  [1]  0.56435 -0.09729  1.23762 -0.03614  0.43765 -1.12782  1.17394
##  [8]  0.51190  0.40218 -1.36156 -1.95546 -0.03511  0.27251  0.46406
## [15] -0.80665  0.03622 -0.46300  0.84632  2.00269  0.36275

j = 1
while (j < 10) {
    j <- j + 2
## [1] 1
## [1] 3
## [1] 5
## [1] 7
## [1] 9


start with the letters “d” for density, “p” for cumulative dsitribution function, “q” for quantiles or “r” fro random numbers

curve(dnorm, -3, 3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

curve(dunif, -1, 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

plot(dpois(1:10, 4), type = "h", ylab = "density", xlab = "value")
points(dpois(1:10, 4), type = "p")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

curve(pnorm, col = "red", add = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26


add <- function(a, b) {
    result = a + b
add(2, 5)
## [1] 7

General Form of Functions function(arguments) { expression }

larger <- function(x, y) {
    if (any(x < 0)) 
    y.is.bigger <- y > x
    x[y.is.bigger] <- y[y.is.bigger]
larger(2, 5)
## [1] 5

getting help:

If you are in doubt…


or press “F1” when the cursor is “in” the function's name get some delivered data


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

## 'data.frame':    50 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ speed: num  4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 ...
##  $ dist : num  2 10 4 22 16 10 18 26 34 17 ...

carLm <- lm(dist ~ speed, cars)
cars$fit <- predict(carLm, cars)
signif(cars$fit, 2)
##  [1] -1.8 -1.8  9.9  9.9 14.0 18.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 26.0 26.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
## [15] 30.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 45.0 45.0
## [29] 49.0 49.0 49.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 61.0 61.0 61.0 61.0
## [43] 61.0 69.0 73.0 77.0 77.0 77.0 77.0 81.0

plot(dist ~ speed, cars)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

plot(cars$speed, cars$dist, xlab = "Speed (mph)", ylab = "Stopping distance (ft)", 
    las = 1)
points(cars$speed, cars$fit, type = "l", col = "blue")
legend("topleft", c("obs.", "modelled"), pch = c(1, NA), lty = c(NA, 1), col = c("black", 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

x1 <- rnorm(100)
y1 <- rnorm(100)
t.test(x1, y1, var.equal = F, conf.level = 0.99)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  x1 and y1
## t = 0.206, df = 194.3, p-value = 0.837
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 99 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.3306  0.3874
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##   0.10441   0.07598
t.test(var.equal = F, conf.level = 0.99, x1, y1)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  x1 and y1
## t = 0.206, df = 194.3, p-value = 0.837
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 99 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.3306  0.3874
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##   0.10441   0.07598

“interactive” plots

x <- 1:10
y <- 2 * x + rnorm(10, 0, 1)
plot(x, y, type = "p")  #' Try also l,b,s,o,h,n

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-31

  #' axes=T, F
  #'  xlab='age', ylab='weight'
  #' sub='sub title', main='main title'
  #' xlim=c(0,12), ylim=c(-1,12)

loc <- locator(x, type = "p")
text(loc$x, loc$y, "Hey")
## Error: no coordinates were supplied
identify(x, y, labels = LETTERS[x])
## integer(0)

Plots for Multivariate Data

x <- 1:20/20
y <- 1:20/20
z <- outer(x, y, function(a, b) {
    cos(10 * a * b)/(1 + a * b^2)
contour(x, y, z)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

persp(x, y, z)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

image(x, y, z)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

get extra packages from CRAN or r-forge

install.packages(“rgl”) install.packages(“copula”) install.packages(“evd”) install.packages(“spcopula”, repos=“http://R-Forge.R-project.org”) peak, duration and volume triples library(spcopula) data(“simulatedTriples”) write.csv(triples, file=“simulatedTriples.csv”, row.names=F)

triples <- read.csv("simulatedTriples.csv")

GL for r


find demos:

demo(package = "rgl")
##  demo(abundance)
##  ---- ~~~~~~~~~
## > # RGL-Demo: animal abundance
## > # Authors: Oleg Nenadic, Daniel Adler
## > # $Id: abundance.r 564 2007-02-22 09:56:01Z dmurdoch $
## > 
## > rgl.demo.abundance <- function()
## + {
## +   open3d()
## +   clear3d("all")               # remove all shapes, lights, bounding-box, and restore viewpoint
## +   
## +   # Setup environment:
## +   bg3d(col="#cccccc")     # setup background
## +   light3d()               # setup head-light
## +   
## +   # Importing animal data (created with wisp)
## +   terrain<-dget(system.file("demodata/region.dat",package="rgl"))
## +   pop<-dget(system.file("demodata/population.dat",package="rgl"))
## +   
## +   # Define colors for terrain
## +   zlim <- range(terrain)
## +   zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1
## +   colorlut <- terrain.colors(82) 
## +   col1 <- colorlut[9*sqrt(3.6*(terrain-zlim[1])+2)]
## +   
## +   # Set color to (water-)blue for regions with zero 'altitude' 
## +   col1[terrain==0]<-"#0000FF"
## +   
## +   # Add terrain surface shape (i.e. population density):
## +   surface3d( 
## +       1:100,seq(1,60,length=100),terrain,
## +       col=col1,spec="#000000", ambient="#333333", back="lines"
## +   )
## +   
## +   # Define colors for simulated populations (males:blue, females:red):
## +   col2<-pop[,4]
## +   col2[col2==0]<-"#3333ff"
## +   col2[col2==1]<-"#ff3333"
## +   
## +   # Add simulated populations as sphere-set shape
## +   spheres3d(
## +     pop[,1],
## +     pop[,2],
## +     terrain[cbind( ceiling(pop[,1]),ceiling(pop[,2]*10/6) )]+0.5,
## +     radius=0.2*pop[,3], col=col2, alpha=(1-(pop[,5])/10 )
## +   )
## + 
## + }
## > rgl.demo.abundance()
##  demo(envmap)
##  ---- ~~~~~~
## > # RGL-Demo: environment mapping
## > # Author: Daniel Adler
## > # $Id$
## > 
## > rgl.demo.envmap <- function()
## + {
## +   open3d()
## +   # Clear scene:
## +   clear3d("all")
## +   light3d()
## +   bg3d(sphere=T, color="white", back="filled"
## +   , texture=system.file("textures/refmap.png",package="rgl")
## +   )
## +   data(volcano)
## + 
## +   surface3d( 10*1:nrow(volcano),10*1:ncol(volcano),5*volcano
## +   , texture=system.file("textures/refmap.png",package="rgl")
## +   , texenvmap=TRUE
## +   , color = "white"
## +   )
## + }
## > rgl.demo.envmap()
## Warning: RGL: PNG Pixmap Loader Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB
## profile
## Warning: RGL: PNG Pixmap Loader Warning: iCCP: gamma value does not match
## sRGB
## Warning: RGL: PNG Pixmap Loader Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB
## profile
## Warning: RGL: PNG Pixmap Loader Warning: iCCP: gamma value does not match
## sRGB
##  demo(lollipop3d)
##  ---- ~~~~~~~~~~
## > cone3d <- function(base,tip,rad,n=30,...) {
## +   degvec <- seq(0,2*pi,length=n)
## +   ax <- tip-base
## +   ## what do if ax[1]==0?
## +   if (ax[1]!=0) {
## +     p1 <- c(-ax[2]/ax[1],1,0)
## +     p1 <- p1/sqrt(sum(p1^2))
## +     if (p1[1]!=0) {
## +       p2 <- c(-p1[2]/p1[1],1,0)
## +       p2[3] <- -sum(p2*ax)
## +       p2 <- p2/sqrt(sum(p2^2))
## +     } else {
## +       p2 <- c(0,0,1)
## +     }
## +   } else if (ax[2]!=0) {
## +     p1 <- c(0,-ax[3]/ax[2],1)
## +     p1 <- p1/sqrt(sum(p1^2))
## +     if (p1[1]!=0) {
## +       p2 <- c(0,-p1[3]/p1[2],1)
## +       p2[3] <- -sum(p2*ax)
## +       p2 <- p2/sqrt(sum(p2^2))
## +     } else {
## +       p2 <- c(1,0,0)
## +     }
## +   } else {
## +     p1 <- c(0,1,0); p2 <- c(1,0,0)
## +   }
## +   ecoord2 <- function(theta) {
## +     base+rad*(cos(theta)*p1+sin(theta)*p2)
## +   }
## +     for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
## +       li <- ecoord2(degvec[i])
## +       lj <- ecoord2(degvec[i+1])
## +       triangles3d(c(li[1],lj[1],tip[1]),c(li[2],lj[2],tip[2]),c(li[3],lj[3],tip[3]),...)
## +     }   
## + }
## > lollipop3d <- function(data.x,data.y,data.z,surf.fun,surf.n=50,
## +                          xlim=range(data.x),
## +             ylim=range(data.y),
## +             zlim=range(data.z),
## +                          asp=c(y=1,z=1),
## +             xlab=deparse(substitute(x)),
## +             ylab=deparse(substitute(y)),
## +             zlab=deparse(substitute(z)),
## +             alpha.surf=0.4,
## +                          col.surf=fg,col.stem=c(fg,fg),
## +                          col.pt="gray",type.surf="line",ptsize,
## +                          lwd.stem=2,lit=TRUE,bg="white",fg="black",
## +                          col.axes=fg,col.axlabs=fg,
## +                          axis.arrow=TRUE,axis.labels=TRUE,
## +                          box.col=bg,
## +                          axes=c("lines","box")) {
## +   axes <- match.arg(axes)
## +   col.stem <- rep(col.stem,length=2)
## +   x.ticks <- pretty(xlim)
## +   x.ticks <- x.ticks[x.ticks>=min(xlim) & x.ticks<=max(xlim)]
## +   x.ticklabs <- if (axis.labels) as.character(x.ticks) else NULL
## +   y.ticks <- pretty(ylim)
## +   y.ticks <- y.ticks[y.ticks>=min(ylim) & y.ticks<=max(ylim)]
## +   y.ticklabs <- if (axis.labels) as.character(y.ticks) else NULL
## +   z.ticks <- pretty(zlim)
## +   z.ticks <- z.ticks[z.ticks>=min(zlim) & z.ticks<=max(zlim)]
## +   z.ticklabs <- if (axis.labels) as.character(z.ticks) else NULL
## +   if (!missing(surf.fun)) {
## +     surf.x <- seq(xlim[1],xlim[2],length=surf.n)
## +     surf.y <- seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],length=surf.n)
## +     surf.z <- outer(surf.x,surf.y,surf.fun)  ## requires surf.fun be vectorized
## +     z.interc <- surf.fun(data.x,data.y)
## +     zdiff <- diff(range(c(surf.z,data.z)))
## +   } else {
## +     z.interc <- rep(min(data.z),length(data.x))
## +     zdiff <- diff(range(data.z))
## +   }
## +   xdiff <- diff(xlim)
## +   ydiff <- diff(ylim)
## +   y.adj <- if (asp[1]<=0) 1 else asp[1]*xdiff/ydiff
## +   data.y <- y.adj*data.y
## +   y.ticks <- y.adj*y.ticks
## +   ylim <- ylim*y.adj
## +   ydiff <- diff(ylim)
## +   z.adj <- if (asp[2]<=0) 1 else asp[2]*xdiff/zdiff
## +   data.z <- z.adj*data.z
## +   if (!missing(surf.fun)) {
## +     surf.y <- y.adj*surf.y
## +     surf.z <- z.adj*surf.z
## +   }
## +   z.interc <- z.adj*z.interc
## +   z.ticks <- z.adj*z.ticks
## +   zlim <- z.adj*zlim
## +   open3d()
## +   clear3d("all")
## +   light3d()
## +   bg3d(color=c(bg,fg))
## +   if (!missing(surf.fun)) 
## +     surface3d(surf.x,surf.y,surf.z,alpha=alpha.surf,
## +                 front=type.surf,back=type.surf,
## +                 col=col.surf,lit=lit)
## +   if (missing(ptsize)) ptsize <- 0.02*xdiff
## +   ## draw points
## +   spheres3d(data.x,data.y,data.z,r=ptsize,lit=lit,color=col.pt)
## +   ## draw lollipops
## +   apply(cbind(data.x,data.y,data.z,z.interc),1,
## +         function(X) {
## +           lines3d(x=rep(X[1],2),
## +                   y=rep(X[2],2),
## +                   z=c(X[3],X[4]),
## +                   col=ifelse(X[3]>X[4],col.stem[1],
## +                     col.stem[2]),lwd=lwd.stem)
## +         })
## +   bbox <- par3d("bbox")
## +   if (axes=="box") {
## +     bbox3d(xat=x.ticks,xlab=x.ticklabs,
## +              yat=y.ticks,ylab=y.ticklabs,
## +              zat=z.ticks,zlab=z.ticklabs,lit=lit)
## +   } else if (axes=="lines") { ## set up axis lines
## +     bbox <- par3d("bbox")
## +     axis3d(edge="x",at=x.ticks,labels=x.ticklabs,
## +            col=col.axes,arrow=axis.arrow)
## +     axis3d(edge="y",at=y.ticks,labels=y.ticklabs,
## +            col=col.axes,arrow=axis.arrow)
## +     axis3d(edge="z",at=z.ticks,labels=z.ticklabs,
## +            col=col.axes,arrow=axis.arrow)
## +     box3d(col=col.axes)
## +   }
## +   decorate3d(xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, col=col.axlabs)
## + }
## > x <- 1:5
## > y <- x*10
## > z <- (x+y)/20
## > open3d()
## wgl 
##   3 
## > spheres3d(x,y,z)
## > axes3d()
## > set.seed(1001)
## > x <- runif(30)
## > y <- runif(30,max=2)
## > dfun <- function(x,y) { 2*x+3*y+2*x*y+3*y^2 }
## > z <- dfun(x,y)+rnorm(30,sd=0.5)
## > ## lollipops only
## > lollipop3d(x,y,z)
## > ## lollipops plus theoretical surface
## > 
## > lollipop3d(x,y,z,dfun,col.pt="red",col.stem=c("red","blue"))
## > ## lollipops plus regression fit
## > 
## > linmodel <- lm(z~x+y)
## > dfun <- function(x,y) {predict(linmodel,newdata=data.frame(x=x,y=y))}
## > lollipop3d(x,y,z,dfun,col.pt="red",col.stem=c("red","blue"))
## > ####


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-35


small worked example

fit margins

gevFit <- fgev(triples[, 1])$estimate
dgevFun <- function(x) dgev(x, gevFit[1], gevFit[2], gevFit[3])


sum(log(dgevFun(triples[, 1])))  #' -2682
## [1] -2682

fit a log-normal

optFunLogNorm <- function(param) {
    -sum(log(dlnorm(triples[, 1], param[1], param[2])))

lnormFit <- optim(c(1, 1), optFunLogNorm)$par

dlnormFun <- function(x) dlnorm(x, lnormFit[1], lnormFit[2])


sum(log(dlnormFun(triples[, 1])))  #' -2730
## [1] -2730

hist(triples[, 1], freq = F, n = 20, ylim = c(0, 0.012), xlim = c(-50, 500))
curve(dgevFun, add = T, col = "red")
curve(dlnormFun, add = T, col = "blue")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-39

#' qq-plots

qqplot(qgev(ppoints(500), gevFit[1], gevFit[2], gevFit[3]), triples[, 1])
qqline(triples[, 1], distribution = function(x) qgev(x, gevFit[1], gevFit[2], 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-40

qqplot(qlnorm(ppoints(500), lnormFit[1], lnormFit[2]), triples[, 1])
qqline(triples[, 1], distribution = function(x) qlnorm(x, lnormFit[1], lnormFit[2]))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-40

assessing dependence

##            peak duration volume
## peak     1.0000   0.4958 0.8688
## duration 0.4958   1.0000 0.7481
## volume   0.8688   0.7481 1.0000
cor(triples, method = "kendall")
##            peak duration volume
## peak     1.0000   0.4196 0.8479
## duration 0.4196   1.0000 0.5384
## volume   0.8479   0.5384 1.0000
cor(triples, method = "spearman")
##            peak duration volume
## peak     1.0000   0.5843 0.9611
## duration 0.5843   1.0000 0.7230
## volume   0.9611   0.7230 1.0000

striping margins

rtTriples <- apply(triples[, c(1, 3)], 2, function(x) rank(x)/(nrow(triples) + 
plot(rtTriples, asp = 1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-42

copFit <- fitCopula(claytonCopula(1), rtTriples, method = "ml")
persp(copFit@copula, dCopula, zlim = c(0, 20))
## Warning: surface extends beyond the box

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-42

Working with spatial data


## 'data.frame':    155 obs. of  14 variables:
##  $ x      : num  181072 181025 181165 181298 181307 ...
##  $ y      : num  333611 333558 333537 333484 333330 ...
##  $ cadmium: num  11.7 8.6 6.5 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 2.8 2.4 1.6 ...
##  $ copper : num  85 81 68 81 48 61 31 29 37 24 ...
##  $ lead   : num  299 277 199 116 117 137 132 150 133 80 ...
##  $ zinc   : num  1022 1141 640 257 269 ...
##  $ elev   : num  7.91 6.98 7.8 7.66 7.48 ...
##  $ dist   : num  0.00136 0.01222 0.10303 0.19009 0.27709 ...
##  $ om     : num  13.6 14 13 8 8.7 7.8 9.2 9.5 10.6 6.3 ...
##  $ ffreq  : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ soil   : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 ...
##  $ lime   : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ landuse: Factor w/ 15 levels "Aa","Ab","Ag",..: 4 4 4 11 4 11 4 2 2 15 ...
##  $ dist.m : num  50 30 150 270 380 470 240 120 240 420 ...

coordinates(meuse) <- ~x + y
## Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
##   ..@ data       :'data.frame':  155 obs. of  12 variables:
##   .. ..$ cadmium: num [1:155] 11.7 8.6 6.5 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 2.8 2.4 1.6 ...
##   .. ..$ copper : num [1:155] 85 81 68 81 48 61 31 29 37 24 ...
##   .. ..$ lead   : num [1:155] 299 277 199 116 117 137 132 150 133 80 ...
##   .. ..$ zinc   : num [1:155] 1022 1141 640 257 269 ...
##   .. ..$ elev   : num [1:155] 7.91 6.98 7.8 7.66 7.48 ...
##   .. ..$ dist   : num [1:155] 0.00136 0.01222 0.10303 0.19009 0.27709 ...
##   .. ..$ om     : num [1:155] 13.6 14 13 8 8.7 7.8 9.2 9.5 10.6 6.3 ...
##   .. ..$ ffreq  : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   .. ..$ soil   : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 ...
##   .. ..$ lime   : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   .. ..$ landuse: Factor w/ 15 levels "Aa","Ab","Ag",..: 4 4 4 11 4 11 4 2 2 15 ...
##   .. ..$ dist.m : num [1:155] 50 30 150 270 380 470 240 120 240 420 ...
##   ..@ coords.nrs : int [1:2] 1 2
##   ..@ coords     : num [1:155, 1:2] 181072 181025 181165 181298 181307 ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "x" "y"
##   ..@ bbox       : num [1:2, 1:2] 178605 329714 181390 333611
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "x" "y"
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "min" "max"
##   ..@ proj4string:Formal class 'CRS' [package "sp"] with 1 slots
##   .. .. ..@ projargs: chr NA

meuse[1, ]
##        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev     dist   om ffreq soil
## 1 (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.001358 13.6     1    1
##   lime landuse dist.m
## 1    1      Ah     50
meuse[, "zinc"]
##          coordinates zinc
## 1   (181072, 333611) 1022
## 2   (181025, 333558) 1141
## 3   (181165, 333537)  640
## 4   (181298, 333484)  257
## 5   (181307, 333330)  269
## 6   (181390, 333260)  281
## 7   (181165, 333370)  346
## 8   (181027, 333363)  406
## 9   (181060, 333231)  347
## 10  (181232, 333168)  183
## 11  (181191, 333115)  189
## 12  (181032, 333031)  251
## 13  (180874, 333339) 1096
## 14  (180969, 333252)  504
## 15  (181011, 333161)  326
## 16  (180830, 333246) 1032
## 17  (180763, 333104)  606
## 18  (180694, 332972)  711
## 19  (180625, 332847)  735
## 20  (180555, 332707) 1052
## 21  (180642, 332708)  673
## 22  (180704, 332717)  402
## 23  (180704, 332664)  343
## 24  (181153, 332925)  218
## 25  (181147, 332823)  200
## 26  (181167, 332778)  194
## 27  (181008, 332777)  207
## 28  (180973, 332687)  180
## 29  (180916, 332753)  240
## 30  (181352, 332946)  180
## 31  (181133, 332570)  208
## 32  (180878, 332489)  198
## 33  (180829, 332450)  250
## 34  (180954, 332399)  192
## 35  (180956, 332318)  213
## 37  (180710, 332330)  321
## 38  (180632, 332445)  569
## 39  (180530, 332538)  833
## 40  (180478, 332578)  906
## 41  (180383, 332476) 1454
## 42  (180494, 332330)  298
## 43  (180561, 332193)  167
## 44  (180451, 332175)  176
## 45  (180410, 332031)  258
## 46  (180355, 332299)  746
## 47  (180292, 332157)  746
## 48  (180283, 332014)  464
## 49  (180282, 331861)  365
## 50  (180270, 331707)  282
## 51  (180199, 331591)  375
## 52  (180135, 331552)  222
## 53  (180237, 332351)  812
## 54  (180103, 332297) 1548
## 55  (179973, 332255) 1839
## 56  (179826, 332217) 1528
## 57  (179687, 332161)  933
## 58  (179792, 332035)  432
## 59  (179902, 332113)  550
## 60  (180100, 332213) 1571
## 61  (179604, 332059) 1190
## 62  (179526, 331936)  907
## 63  (179495, 331770)  761
## 64  (179489, 331633)  659
## 65  (179414, 331494)  643
## 66  (179334, 331366)  801
## 67  (179255, 331264)  784
## 69  (179470, 331125) 1060
## 75  (179692, 330933)  119
## 76  (179852, 330801)  778
## 79  (179140, 330955)  703
## 80  (179128, 330867)  676
## 81  (179065, 330864)  793
## 82  (179007, 330727)  685
## 83  (179110, 330758)  593
## 84  (179032, 330645)  549
## 85  (179095, 330636)  680
## 86  (179058, 330510)  539
## 87  (178810, 330666)  560
## 88  (178912, 330779) 1136
## 89  (178981, 330924) 1383
## 90  (179076, 331005) 1161
## 123 (180151, 330353) 1672
## 160 (179211, 331175)  765
## 163 (181118, 333214)  279
## 70  (179474, 331304)  241
## 71  (179559, 331423)  317
## 91  (179022, 330873)  545
## 92  (178953, 330742)  505
## 93  (178875, 330516)  420
## 94  (178803, 330349)  332
## 95  (179029, 330394)  400
## 96  (178605, 330406)  553
## 97  (178701, 330557)  577
## 98  (179547, 330245)  155
## 99  (179301, 330179)  224
## 100 (179405, 330567)  180
## 101 (179462, 330766)  226
## 102 (179293, 330797)  186
## 103 (179180, 330710)  198
## 104 (179206, 330398)  187
## 105 (179618, 330458)  199
## 106 (179782, 330540)  157
## 108 (179980, 330773)  203
## 109 (180067, 331185)  143
## 110 (180162, 331387)  136
## 111 (180451, 331473)  117
## 112 (180328, 331158)  113
## 113 (180276, 330963)  130
## 114 (180114, 330803)  192
## 115 (179881, 330912)  240
## 116 (179774, 330921)  221
## 117 (179657, 331150)  140
## 118 (179731, 331245)  128
## 119 (179717, 331441)  166
## 120 (179446, 331422)  191
## 121 (179524, 331565)  232
## 122 (179644, 331730)  203
## 124 (180321, 330366)  722
## 125 (180162, 331837)  210
## 126 (180029, 331720)  198
## 127 (179797, 331919)  139
## 128 (179642, 331955)  253
## 129 (179849, 332142)  703
## 130 (180265, 332297)  832
## 131 (180107, 332101)  262
## 132 (180462, 331947)  142
## 133 (180478, 331822)  119
## 134 (180347, 331700)  152
## 135 (180862, 333116)  415
## 136 (180700, 332882)  474
## 161 (180201, 331160)  126
## 162 (180173, 331923)  210
## 137 (180923, 332874)  220
## 138 (180467, 331694)  133
## 140 (179917, 331325)  141
## 141 (179822, 331242)  158
## 142 (179991, 331069)  129
## 143 (179120, 330578)  206
## 144 (179034, 330561)  451
## 145 (179085, 330433)  296
## 146 (179236, 330046)  189
## 147 (179456, 330072)  154
## 148 (179550, 329940)  169
## 149 (179445, 329807)  403
## 150 (179337, 329870)  471
## 151 (179245, 329714)  612
## 152 (179024, 329733)  601
## 153 (178786, 329822)  783
## 154 (179135, 329890)  258
## 155 (179030, 330082)  214
## 156 (179184, 330182)  166
## 157 (179085, 330292)  496
## 158 (178875, 330311)  342
## 159 (179466, 330381)  162
## 164 (180627, 330190)  375
##   [1] 1022 1141  640  257  269  281  346  406  347  183  189  251 1096  504
##  [15]  326 1032  606  711  735 1052  673  402  343  218  200  194  207  180
##  [29]  240  180  208  198  250  192  213  321  569  833  906 1454  298  167
##  [43]  176  258  746  746  464  365  282  375  222  812 1548 1839 1528  933
##  [57]  432  550 1571 1190  907  761  659  643  801  784 1060  119  778  703
##  [71]  676  793  685  593  549  680  539  560 1136 1383 1161 1672  765  279
##  [85]  241  317  545  505  420  332  400  553  577  155  224  180  226  186
##  [99]  198  187  199  157  203  143  136  117  113  130  192  240  221  140
## [113]  128  166  191  232  203  722  210  198  139  253  703  832  262  142
## [127]  119  152  415  474  126  210  220  133  141  158  129  206  451  296
## [141]  189  154  169  403  471  612  601  783  258  214  166  496  342  162
## [155]  375
##   [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
##  [36] 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
##  [71] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2
## [106] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1
## [141] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
## Levels: 1 2 3

plot this data:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

## Warning: non-vector columns will be ignored

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

spplot(meuse, "zinc", col.regions = bpy.colors())

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

spDists(meuse[1:10, ])
##         [,1]   [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]  [,7]  [,8]  [,9] [,10]
##  [1,]   0.00  70.84 118.8 259.2 366.3 473.6 258.3 252.0 380.2 471.0
##  [2,]  70.84   0.00 141.6 282.9 362.6 471.2 234.4 195.0 328.9 441.5
##  [3,] 118.85 141.57   0.0 143.2 251.0 356.9 167.0 222.1 323.5 375.0
##  [4,] 259.24 282.85 143.2   0.0 154.3 242.2 175.2 296.8 347.4 322.8
##  [5,] 366.31 362.64 251.0 154.3   0.0 108.6 147.5 281.9 266.1 178.5
##  [6,] 473.63 471.20 356.9 242.2 108.6   0.0 250.4 377.3 331.3 182.8
##  [7,] 258.32 234.40 167.0 175.2 147.5 250.4   0.0 138.2 174.2 212.8
##  [8,] 252.05 195.01 222.1 296.8 281.9 377.3 138.2   0.0 136.1 282.9
##  [9,] 380.19 328.87 323.5 347.4 266.1 331.3 174.2 136.1   0.0 183.2
## [10,] 471.01 441.53 375.0 322.8 178.5 182.8 212.8 282.9 183.2   0.0